Ecoversity Centro de Promocion de Sabidurias Interculturales

From Ecoversities Source

The Centro de Promoción y Sabidurías Interculturales - "CEPROSI", is a non-profit civil association, which aims to contribute to the achievement of a plural and intercultural society in harmony with nature through an intra and intercultural education that incorporates local knowledge in the curriculum and the recovery of cultural and ecological biodiversity as a platform for common action between school, family and community.

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Magisterio, Cusco, Cusco, Peru PE

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Creation date 1998
Pedagogies Popular EducationPopular Education
Topics Community, Economy, Education, Indigenous Knowledges, Agriculture, Food, Farming, SpiritualityCommunity, Economy, Education, Indigenous Knowledges, Agriculture, Food, Farming, Spirituality
Economic model Free of costs
Ages Adults, Teens, Childs, Infantsadults, teens, childs, infants
Type No formal
Volunteers Yes
Virtual None
Gatherings India International Gathering 2018India International Gathering 2018
Active in regions,-13.52421,9/1280x400@2x?access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoiaWFjb21lbGxhIiwiYSI6ImNpdWJ3OHJoYTAwOHgyb3BneWd1NG16bjgifQ.8uFt1oMO57yDT9Xzb_ScAw

13° 31' 27.16" S, 71° 56' 53.81" W free

noformal adults, teens, childs, infants"adults, teens, childs, infants" is not in the list (adults, teens, childs, infants) of allowed values for the "Ecoversity:info-ages" property. yes none