On October 2018, in a period comprising 10 days for some, and two weeks for others, the Third International Gathering of the Ecoversities Alliance took place at Swaraj University, Rajasthan, India, and continued during a collective learning journey to other educational experiments that are part of India’s Multiversities Network. With over 70 participants running regenerative education platforms in more than 25 different countries, this years’ event was marked by the arrival of many new Alliance members from Europe, Asia and South America; the interest and the intention to be there by so many committed educators, gave those who were returning the sensation that ‘the plant was growing’, that a maybe quiet movement was emerging from different contexts and spaces, hence the urgency and the necessity to connect people and initiatives developing pedagogic preferred ways, moving away from the educational mainstream models and institutions.
Start date | 2019/10/01 |
End date | 2019/10/10 |
Type of gathering | international |
This gathering took place in Swaraj University, India.
In this gathering, a total of 17 Ecoversities were present, including:
Ananda Marga Gurukula, Anveshan, Awakening Leadership Program, Centro de Promocion de Sabidurias Interculturales, Deer Park Institute, Fundacion San Alonso Rodriguez, Gaia Education, Masters of Learning, Neohumanist College of Asheville, Ojo del Sol, Projeto Ancora, Sadhana Forest, Shanti Brazil, Swadharma, This Is Not The Truth, Travellers University, YouthLink