Ecoversity Ananda Marga Gurukula

From Ecoversities Source

Ananda Márga Gurukula is an international educational network of schools and institutes engaged in teaching, research and service. It spans over fifty countries with over 1,000 kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools, colleges and children’s homes that have been established over the past 50 years. It is based on the holistic philosophy of Neohumanism which stands for ”the practice of love for all creation including plants, animals and the inanimate world” as propounded by philosopher-seer Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar. The education imparted in Ánanda Márga Gurukula affiliated schools and institutions is known as Neohumanist Education.The Sanskrit word “Gurukula” has the following etymology: Gu: darkness; ru: dispeller; kula: an institution. Gurukula is an institution which helps students dispel the darkness of the mind and leads to total emancipation of the individual and society at large.

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Mahasachiv, Ananda Marga Gurukula Anandangar P.O. Baglata, Dist Purulia West Bengal, India, Anandangar, , India IN

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Creation date 1990
Pedagogies Holistic EducationHolistic Education
Topics Spirituality, LoveSpirituality, Love
Economic model Tariffed
Ages Adultsadults
Type No formal
Volunteers Yes
Virtual Full
Gatherings India International Gathering 2018India International Gathering 2018
Active in regions