Ecoversity Thorne Nature Experience

From Ecoversities Source

Thorne Nature Experience builds Earth Stewardship by providing joyful, hands-on, place-based environmental education experiences that foster an emotional connection to nature.

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1466 N. 63rd St Boulder, Boulder, Colorado, United States US

Featured in main website? [ In main website]
Creation date 1954
Pedagogies Green PedagogyGreen Pedagogy
Topics Education, AgricultureEducation, Agriculture
Economic model Voluntary payment
Ages Childs, Infants, Adultschilds, infants, adults
Type No formal
Volunteers Yes
Virtual None
Active in regions,40.01179,9/1280x400@2x?access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoiaWFjb21lbGxhIiwiYSI6ImNpdWJ3OHJoYTAwOHgyb3BneWd1NG16bjgifQ.8uFt1oMO57yDT9Xzb_ScAw

40° 0' 42.44" N, 105° 12' 8.75" W voluntary

noformal childs, infants, adults"childs, infants, adults" is not in the list (adults, teens, childs, infants) of allowed values for the "Ecoversity:info-ages" property. yes none