Ecoversity Pedagogia de la Madre Tierra - Universidad de Antioquia

From Ecoversities Source

The Indigenous Organisation of Antioquia, the University of Antioquia through the Faculty of Education with the Diverser Research Group and the Indigenous Education Programme, and the indigenous communities of Antioquia, through their young people, women and wise leaders, began to take a path in 2005 where education is more directly articulated with politics and politics with education in a common objective "in defence of Mother Earth"; In this sense, the Bachelor's Degree in Pedagogy of Mother Earth was created as a process to train teachers who are leaders of the people and, at the same time, teachers with pedagogy and a good heart. This process is centred on Mother Earth as the great pedagogue, to understand that we are part of this creation, that we are just another stone in the earth, as are the planets, the stars, the animals, the trees, the rivers, the air, the rain, because she is the protective mother of all that is dreamt and all that is created, we live in her and because of her. This higher education programme was approved by the Colombian Ministry of National Education with Qualified Registration N 513, February 1, 2011.

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Calle 67 Nº 53-108, Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia CO

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Creation date
Pedagogies Green PedagogyGreen Pedagogy
Topics Indigenous Knowledges, Education, Community, PoliticsIndigenous Knowledges, Education, Community, Politics
Economic model Tariffed
Ages Adultsadults
Type Formal
Volunteers ⧼rv-ecoversity:reply-⧽
Virtual None
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