Ecoversity Innovando la Tradicion

From Ecoversities Source

Innovando la Tradición is a creative platform where artisans, designers and artists share skills, knowledge and stories to honor and reinvent the ceramic tradition of Oaxaca. They provide services to potters or pottery communities in Oaxaca to support the development of their craft. They are a multidisciplinary civil association and a sustainable design project that arises from a genuine interest in working collectively to learn. They seek to build bridges, explore the common areas between art, design and craft, and rethink their territories of action.

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Rufino Tamayo 800-C (Los Arquitos esquina con la Plaza de la Cruz de Piedra), Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico MX

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Creation date 2011
Pedagogies Popular EducationPopular Education
Topics Art, Economy, CommunityArt, Economy, Community
Economic model ⧼rv-ecoversity:reply-⧽
Ages Adultsadults
Type No formal
Volunteers ⧼rv-ecoversity:reply-⧽
Virtual None
Active in regions