Ecoversity Ecoaldea Atlantida

From Ecoversities Source

Interest and experience in Ecovillage, Sustainable Development, Resilience, Agroecology, Environmental Education, Permaculture, Solidarity Economy, IAP, Eco-technologies, Collective Intelligence, Participative Leadership, polycentric networks, Systems Theory and Complexity Sciences, Holistic Science, Global Ecology, Sociocracy and Organizational Design, Regenerative Development, Visions Councils, Social Movements, Theory U and Spiral Dynamics, Dances of Universal Peace and Ancestral Ceremonies.

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Vereda, Cenegueta, Cajibío, Cauca, Colombia CO

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Creation date 2003
Pedagogies Green PedagogyGreen Pedagogy
Topics Spirituality, Indigenous Knowledges, Peace, Education, Economy, ArtSpirituality, Indigenous Knowledges, Peace, Education, Economy, Art
Economic model Tariffed
Ages Adultsadults
Type No formal
Volunteers Yes
Virtual None
Active in regions