Ecoversity Caballos Formadores

From Ecoversities Source

The first equine-assisted training center in Latin America, which works to help children, adolescents and adults to rediscover and discover themselves and to develop life skills that are a tool for them.

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Vereda El estanco, Finca Buena Vista kilometro 3,5 via tenjo-la punta Tenjo, Tenjo, Cundinamarca, Colombia CO

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Creation date 2009
Pedagogies Green PedagogyGreen Pedagogy
Topics EducationEducation
Economic model Tariffed
Ages Adults, Teens, Childs, Infantsadults, teens, childs, infants
Type No formal
Volunteers ⧼rv-ecoversity:reply-⧽
Virtual Partial
Active in regions,4.85824,9/1280x400@2x?access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoiaWFjb21lbGxhIiwiYSI6ImNpdWJ3OHJoYTAwOHgyb3BneWd1NG16bjgifQ.8uFt1oMO57yDT9Xzb_ScAw

4° 51' 29.66" N, 74° 10' 17.04" W tariffed

noformal adults, teens, childs, infants"adults, teens, childs, infants" is not in the list (adults, teens, childs, infants) of allowed values for the "Ecoversity:info-ages" property.
