Ecoversity Bosquescuela Cariba

From Ecoversities Source

Semillas Bosquescuela was born in 2019, as a response to the need of several families to take care of their children's upbringing in a communitarian way. They meet 3 times a week, and these spaces are run by the same families that are part of the initiative and neighbors of the Arenal River.

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Vereda El Arenal, San Rafael, Colombia, San Rafael, Antioquia, Colombia CO

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Creation date 2018
Pedagogies Green PedagogyGreen Pedagogy
Topics Community, Education, Agriculture, Permaculture, Natural-BuildingCommunity, Education, Agriculture, Permaculture, Natural-Building
Economic model Voluntary payment
Ages Childs, Adults, Teens, Infantschilds, adults, teens, infants
Type No formal
Volunteers ⧼rv-ecoversity:reply-⧽
Virtual None
Active in regions,6.29512,9/1280x400@2x?access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoiaWFjb21lbGxhIiwiYSI6ImNpdWJ3OHJoYTAwOHgyb3BneWd1NG16bjgifQ.8uFt1oMO57yDT9Xzb_ScAw

6° 17' 42.43" N, 75° 1' 40.33" W voluntary

noformal childs, adults, teens, infants"childs, adults, teens, infants" is not in the list (adults, teens, childs, infants) of allowed values for the "Ecoversity:info-ages" property.
