Ecoversity Anandwan Smart Village

From Ecoversities Source

Anandwan was established in 1949 by Baba Amte with a hope of giving marginalised people a dignified life through self-reliance and restoring a sense of belonging which they had lost due to the ill treatment at the hands of society. The Anandwan Smart Village is a barren land transformed into an oasis, which today is a home for around 2500 people including leprosy survivors, physically challenged, orphans, destitute and people who had lost hope to survive.

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Warora, District: Chandrapur, Maharashtra State, India, Warora, , India IN

Featured in main website? In main website
Creation date 1949
Pedagogies Holistic EducationHolistic Education
Topics Healing, Economy, Agriculture, EducationHealing, Economy, Agriculture, Education
Economic model Free of costs
Ages Adults, Teens, Childs, Infantsadults, teens, childs, infants
Type No formal
Volunteers Yes
Virtual None
Active in regions,20.2506,9/1280x400@2x?access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoiaWFjb21lbGxhIiwiYSI6ImNpdWJ3OHJoYTAwOHgyb3BneWd1NG16bjgifQ.8uFt1oMO57yDT9Xzb_ScAw

20° 15' 2.16" N, 79° 0' 58.68" E free

noformal adults, teens, childs, infants"adults, teens, childs, infants" is not in the list (adults, teens, childs, infants) of allowed values for the "Ecoversity:info-ages" property. yes none